January 23rd, 2012 Chinese New Year. This year is the year of the Dragon. The Dragon occupies the 5th position in the Chinese Zodiac. The Dragon is the mightiest of the signs. Dragons symbolize such character traits as dominance and ambition. Dragons prefer to live by their own rules and if left on their own, are usually successful. They’re driven, unafraid of challenges, and willing to take risks. They’re passionate in all they do and they do things in grand fashion. Others are attracted to Dragons, especially their colourful personalities. Dragons prefer leading to being led. Jobs that allow them to express their creativity are good choices. Dragons will give into love, but won’t give up their independence.
Water Dragon Years 1952 and 2012.
Water calms the Dragon’s fire. Water Dragons are able to see things from other points of view. They don’t have the need to always be right. Their decisions, if well-researched, are usually better since they allow other’s to become involved.
Water Dragon Years 1952 and 2012.
Water calms the Dragon’s fire. Water Dragons are able to see things from other points of view. They don’t have the need to always be right. Their decisions, if well-researched, are usually better since they allow other’s to become involved.